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Expense Reports

4 Tips for Month-End & Year-End Closing That Finance Managers Should Know

by Erin Mills

4 Tips for Month-End & Year-End Closing That Finance Managers Should Know

Anyone working on a finance team knows exactly how stressful accounting periods are. There are a ton of last-minute requests, unexpected bottlenecks, and unpredictable delays that arise from running both accounts payable and receivables while maintaining the highest quality and compliance standards.

The New Reality of Expense Management Part 3:  5 Questions to Ask Your Finance Team

by Erin Mills

The New Reality of Expense Management Part 3:  5 Questions to Ask Your Finance Team

As previous posts in this series (8 Ways Companies Can Adapt to The New Financial Landscape, Is Now The Right Time to Revisit Your Solution?) have indicated, the reality of corporate travel and expenses has changed drastically due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Yet despite this worldwide travel upheaval, companies are slowly but surely resuming business travel, while supporting new, remote work options.

The New Reality of Expense Management, Part 2: 3 Reasons to Revisit Your Solution

by Erin Mills

The New Reality of Expense Management, Part 2: 3 Reasons to Revisit Your Solution

In the first part of our series on the new reality of expense management, we looked at eight ways companies can adapt to the new financial landscape COVID-19 left us with, including updating T&E policies to reflect remote and hybrid workers, paying more attention to duty of care, and preparing for less frequent, yet more strategic business trips.

Buy, Pay, Expense: Save Time on Amazon Business Expenses with Chrome River and Mastercard

by Eric White

Buy, Pay, Expense: Save Time on Amazon Business Expenses with Chrome River and Mastercard

We are excited to launch a new relationship with Amazon Business and Mastercard that will make the expense process even easier when making business purchases. This is another major step toward our goal of automating the entire expense process.

Gartner Digital Markets Reviews Crown Chrome River the Leader in Expense Management

by Tim Wheatcroft

Gartner Digital Markets Reviews Crown Chrome River the Leader in Expense Management

Gartner Digital Markets uses real reviews from verified users to rate software products. So when its reports list us as the leading expense software solution, we're pretty happy. See for yourself where we stacked up against three of our key competitors.

How Manual Expense Reporting is Killing Your Finance Team’s Efficiency

by Tim Wheatcroft

How Manual Expense Reporting is Killing Your Finance Team’s Efficiency

Manually attaching receipts to spreadsheets is a real drudge for business travelers. However, their frustrations pale in comparison to those of the finance team, who have to navigate cumbersome approval workflows, enforce confusing T&E policies, and spend hours manually entering data into their accounting system.

Why is Mobility the Foundation of Effective Expense Management in Construction?

by Stephen White

Why is Mobility the Foundation of Effective Expense Management in Construction?

The construction industry is more exposed to economic ebbs and flows than almost any other sector of the economy. As a result of this position, construction companies must ensure that they carefully maintain cash flow and cost control, even during boom periods. How can employee expense automation solutions help this?

The Cost-Control Benefits of Analytics in Expense Management

by Tim Wheatcroft

The Cost-Control Benefits of Analytics in Expense Management

Expense report software solutions can create huge volumes of data on employees' business travel spend. How can organizations use this to make smarter decisions?

Top 10 Perils of Using a Manual Expense Solution

by Tim Wheatcroft

Top 10 Perils of Using a Manual Expense Solution

Nearly half of all organizations are still stuck using manual expense reporting systems. If you continue to use paper-based processes instead of an expense automation solution, the risks could easily outweigh any perceived benefits.

Chrome River and Sabre: Making Integrated Travel and Expense Even Smoother

by Alan Rich

Chrome River and Sabre: Making Integrated Travel and Expense Even Smoother

As you may have noticed from today’s announcement made at the GBTA national conference, we are proud to become a Premier Provider of expense reporting for Sabre, one of the world’s biggest travel technology providers. This comes just a couple of weeks after we announced Sabre as the latest travel industry leader to adopt our expense management solution for its own 10,000 global employees.

Chrome River and Traxo Means Even Easier Hotel Expenses

by Alan Rich

Chrome River and Traxo Means Even Easier Hotel Expenses

As you may have seen from today’s press release, we’ve just announced an exciting new relationship with Traxo for hotel receipt integration. This will give Chrome River EXPENSE users an even better (and easier) experience when preparing their expense reports, and we’re sure it will be very well received by anyone who’s ever had to manually import or allocate hotel receipt data into their expense report.

4 Ways to Escape Expense Report Purgatory

by Tim Wheatcroft

4 Ways to Escape Expense Report Purgatory

Whether you’ve just finished a week-long trip, or if you’ve been stashing receipts all month, doing your expenses can become one of those monotonous tasks that ranks even below timesheets at the bottom of the to-do list. This means that they get put off, and off, and off, until you reach a point where a) you’re broke and need them to be reimbursed so you can put food on the table, b) your wallet is bulging more than your financial controller’s eyes will once they see how much you’re claiming for the past few months, or c) both of the above.

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Global Expense Management Solution

by Craig Weiner

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Global Expense Management Solution

If you are a global organization looking to upgrade your expense management solution, there is a dizzying array of offerings on the market. Many of the vendors you speak to will tell you that they offer a global solution. However, there’s being able to process the occasional foreign hotel and restaurant bill, and then there’s a true global solution that will work for thousands of end users across dozens of different countries, supporting complex workflows, tax requirements and regional standards.

Why is streamlined expense management automation so critical for law firms?

by Karen DeLucia

Why is streamlined expense management automation so critical for law firms?

Let’s face it, we pretty much all procrastinate when it comes to submitting expenses. For most people in the workforce, the biggest pitfall of late expense submission is that you don’t get paid on time, so you may have to cover a credit card bill out of pocket. A bit of a pain, but rarely more than that. However, the impact of this for law firms can be much more far reaching. A tardy submission often results in a write-off absorbed by the firm, since the client will not pay beyond a certain cut-off date. As profit margins at law firms tend to be narrow, losing profits due to poor or delayed expense reporting can be critical.

Small T&E Expenses that Can Make Huge Impact on Bottom Line

by Connie Moser

Small T&E Expenses that Can Make Huge Impact on Bottom Line

Travel and expense managers are likely to keep a keen eye on the big, fat expenses that come with every business trip. However, it’s often the smaller, less costly items that can really start to add up. Flights and hotels typically account for three-quarters of the overall cost of business trips. Ground transportation and auxiliary spending account for the other one-quarter of the costs, and they can be sneaky costs indeed.

Why You Need Reporting and Analytics in Your Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) Automation

by Mandy Neske

Why You Need Reporting and Analytics in Your Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) Automation

Innovative companies of all sizes and types are turning to Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) automation to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and increase visibility and control of their spending. Once they decide on P2P as a solution, however, they still have to ascertain which specific tool from which specific provider will best suit their needs.

Bribes, Speed Money, Extortion, Expense Reporting Fraud

by Brian Deleon

Bribes, Speed Money, Extortion, Expense Reporting Fraud

Bribery and fraud are not words you want associated with your company, but avoiding them may not be as straightforward as you think. Corruption doesn’t always come barreling in like a freight train. It can slither in like a snake, striking when you least expect it and are least prepared to handle it. A recent piece in McKinsey Quarterly examines the most common types of corruption companies can face in the global marketplace along with actions they can take to keep it at bay.

Don’t Get Shortchanged on Business Mileage

by Connie Moser

Don’t Get Shortchanged on Business Mileage

If you have to travel for your job, you’re probably very aware of how important it is to keep track of your business mileage. You might think that you’re keeping a close eye on the miles, but you might actually be losing money on your travels. To make sure you don't get shortchanged on business mileage, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself. The simplest method of tracking mileage is, of course, good old-fashioned pen and paper. Write down your car’s mileage when you start your trip and when you end it. Or leave yourself voicemails, or send yourself text messages. Of course, things get complicated if you have more than one destination or need to exclude portions of the trip that were not business related. In today’s technologically advanced world, it seems there’s an automated answer for everything. Now, many business travelers use Google Maps to determine the mileage they have traveled. In fact, Chrome River EXPENSE includes Google Maps functionality for calculating mileage for expense-reimbursement purposes. Simply enter the starting and ending addresses for your trip, and Chrome River will automatically calculate how much you should be reimbursed, based on your organization’s rules. You can also calculate mileage between multiple destinations and exclude personal mileage, if necessary. The key to making sure you don’t get shortchanged on business mileage is to keep accurate records. Whether you use a notepad, send a text message to yourself, leave a voicemail on your office phone, or let Chrome River’s Google Maps widget do the work, the important thing is that you make sure you have an accurate record. Doing this prevents problems during an in-house audit and provides useful information when travel budgets are being created for future use.

3 Benefits to Travel Expense Management

by Connie Moser

3 Benefits to Travel Expense Management

Some businesses fail to see the benefits of travel expense management. They feel that their employees are on the straight and narrow and don’t believe they need to spend any time or effort dealing with travel expense management. Some of these businesses believe they are too small to benefit from this kind of expense management, but no business can afford to ignore any potential area where money or time might be lost.

Why Your Organization Can’t Risk Expense Report Inaccuracies

by Serge Merkin

Why Your Organization Can’t Risk Expense Report Inaccuracies

Few would argue with the truism “Numbers don’t lie,” but inaccurate numbers can and do lie all the time. A good example is the vast number of inaccurate numbers that can enter an organization’s financial system via expense reports. Organizations that allow employees to write or type expenses into a form that is manually reviewed and re-entered into the accounting system by a staff member have introduced several opportunities to enter inaccurate information for each transaction.

How Travel Expense Tracking Helps Keep Your Budget on Course

by Connie Moser

How Travel Expense Tracking Helps Keep Your Budget on Course

It is difficult to determine a business budget without first looking at the spending trends that help to create it. Being aware of business travel expenses is imperative to trip planning, and careful tracking is an infallible method of keeping those travel budgets on the right course. A little tracking can go a long way! After all, travel and expenses makes up about 10% of your operating budget.

Your Employees are Padding their Travel Expenses

by Connie Moser

Your Employees are Padding their Travel Expenses

Are your employees cheating on their corporate travel expense reports? About 80% claim that they are generally honest with their travel expense reports but some admit to skimming a little of company funds for various reasons. Your employees represent your company on the road. And, their occasional unethical practices should be minimized, if not eliminated.


Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle

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