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Business Travel

The New Reality of Expense Management Part 3:  5 Questions to Ask Your Finance Team

by Erin Mills

The New Reality of Expense Management Part 3:  5 Questions to Ask Your Finance Team

As previous posts in this series (8 Ways Companies Can Adapt to The New Financial Landscape, Is Now The Right Time to Revisit Your Solution?) have indicated, the reality of corporate travel and expenses has changed drastically due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Yet despite this worldwide travel upheaval, companies are slowly but surely resuming business travel, while supporting new, remote work options.

The New Reality of Expense Management, Part 2: 3 Reasons to Revisit Your Solution

by Erin Mills

The New Reality of Expense Management, Part 2: 3 Reasons to Revisit Your Solution

In the first part of our series on the new reality of expense management, we looked at eight ways companies can adapt to the new financial landscape COVID-19 left us with, including updating T&E policies to reflect remote and hybrid workers, paying more attention to duty of care, and preparing for less frequent, yet more strategic business trips.

5 Important Things That Happened at GBTA 2021

by Erin Mills

5 Important Things That Happened at GBTA 2021

It’s true—GBTA 2021 happened November 17–19th in Orlando, Florida. Emburse was one of the exhibitors and we were lucky enough to host our own Conference sessions. Everyone who attended had a blast.

The New Reality of Travel Management Part 1: 8 Ways You Can Adapt to The New Financial Landscape

by Erin Mills

The New Reality of Travel Management Part 1: 8 Ways You Can Adapt to The New Financial Landscape

Just when we thought we were finally putting the pandemic behind us, new COVID-19 variants like Delta and Lambda emerged. A global supply chain snarl led to delays with Costco inventory and Amazon shipping speeds. Some countries have already reinstituted travel restrictions. But make no mistake—business travel spending is still increasing.

The Future of Travel Part 2: Five Predictions for Post-Covid Business Travel And Expense Management

by Erin Mills

The Future of Travel Part 2: Five Predictions for Post-Covid Business Travel And Expense Management

For over half a century, millions of people have been flying between cities and across borders to meet potential clients and close deals. Most of us are so accustomed to the rinse-and-repeat ritual of business travel that we couldn’t imagine going a whole year without seeing the inside of an airplane.

The Future of Travel Part 1: Five Findings That Prove Business Travel is Here to Stay

by Erin Mills

The Future of Travel Part 1: Five Findings That Prove Business Travel is Here to Stay

As the world gets used to a new, pandemic-informed status quo, decision-makers need to decide how to best budget for and incorporate travel into their strategies. Many executives are planning to resume domestic business trips before the end of the year. Some believe the future of travel will involve fewer, more strategic trips that require more upfront planning and cost more per flyer.

Why Mobility is a Critical Consideration for Your Expense Management Strategy

by Chad Peters

Why Mobility is a Critical Consideration for Your Expense Management Strategy

Expense management is, by its very nature, one of the business apps with the greatest requirement for deep mobile functionality. Many software solutions are mainly used in-office, and can often get by with relatively limited mobile functionality for consuming data. However, expense management requires a significant amount of creating data while on the road – capturing receipts, creating reports and so on.

Managing Traveler Safety in a Post-Coronavirus World

by Robin Hanselman

Managing Traveler Safety in a Post-Coronavirus World

For organizations to remain strong when the coronavirus pandemic begins to ease, business travel must restart. How can they ensure that employees aren't traveling into infection hot spots?

Controlling Car Rental Spend With Car FOLIO

by Barbara Doane

Controlling Car Rental Spend With Car FOLIO

Many organizations have negotiated corporate rates with their preferred car rental providers. But with potentially many thousands of rentals each year, how can they verify that each traveler receives the appropriate rates? Chrome River is making it far easier to analyze the data with the launch of FOLIO for car rentals.

Solving the Travel and Expense Management Dilemma for Job Candidates and Non-Employees

by Holly Allison

Solving the Travel and Expense Management Dilemma for Job Candidates and Non-Employees

While many traveling employees have benefited from automated expense management solutions for several years, one group remains almost universally underserved: non-employees. Abacus REACH helps ease expense issues for this group.

Tackling the Challenge of German Per Diems

by Barbara Doane

Tackling the Challenge of German Per Diems

German per diems may not suddenly spring to mind as a critical business issue for global organizations. However, if you work in the world of corporate travel, expense or accounting, it can be a major source of angst. Thankfully, help is at hand.

Companies with a Strong Travel Culture Deliver Better Business Results

by Connie Chung, Egencia

Companies with a Strong Travel Culture Deliver Better Business Results

How can organizations use their travel culture to maintain success in a competitive business environment? In this guest blog, Connie Chung, senior director of global product management at Egencia, outlines key research findings that illustrate the benefit of a strong travel culture.

Alternative Facts and The Fallacy of Offline Expense Management

by Mandy Neske

Alternative Facts and The Fallacy of Offline Expense Management

There has been a lot of discussion in the business software market about the benefits of browser-based, responsive web (RWD) apps versus native Android and iOS apps. Even though there is evidence showing that more and more organizations are moving toward RWD for mobile software deployment, the debate continues as to which is better, just like Mac vs. Windows, Peyton vs. Tom and Pepsi vs. Coke.

Chrome River and Sabre: Making Integrated Travel and Expense Even Smoother

by Alan Rich

Chrome River and Sabre: Making Integrated Travel and Expense Even Smoother

As you may have noticed from today’s announcement made at the GBTA national conference, we are proud to become a Premier Provider of expense reporting for Sabre, one of the world’s biggest travel technology providers. This comes just a couple of weeks after we announced Sabre as the latest travel industry leader to adopt our expense management solution for its own 10,000 global employees.

Chrome River and Traxo Means Even Easier Hotel Expenses

by Alan Rich

Chrome River and Traxo Means Even Easier Hotel Expenses

As you may have seen from today’s press release, we’ve just announced an exciting new relationship with Traxo for hotel receipt integration. This will give Chrome River EXPENSE users an even better (and easier) experience when preparing their expense reports, and we’re sure it will be very well received by anyone who’s ever had to manually import or allocate hotel receipt data into their expense report.

Etiquette Tips for Your Business Trip

by Stephen White

Etiquette Tips for Your Business Trip

While leisure travel can be an ideal time to kick back and let down your guard, your guard had better not be going anywhere during a business trip. As a business traveler, you represent your company during every stage of the journey. Everything you say or do can impact your company’s reputation and your eventual success. You can ensure both the company reputation and your success remain strong by following a few straightforward business trip etiquette tips.

4 Ways to Escape Expense Report Purgatory

by Tim Wheatcroft

4 Ways to Escape Expense Report Purgatory

Whether you’ve just finished a week-long trip, or if you’ve been stashing receipts all month, doing your expenses can become one of those monotonous tasks that ranks even below timesheets at the bottom of the to-do list. This means that they get put off, and off, and off, until you reach a point where a) you’re broke and need them to be reimbursed so you can put food on the table, b) your wallet is bulging more than your financial controller’s eyes will once they see how much you’re claiming for the past few months, or c) both of the above.

Business Travel Packed with These Top Stressors

by Jim Whitmore

Business Travel Packed with These Top Stressors

While more than one-third of corporate travelers typically feel positive about traveling for business, that doesn’t mean they all enjoy a stress-free experience. In fact, a massive 93 percent of business travelers heading to international destinations feel stressed-out at some point along their journey.

San Francisco Scores for Most Expensive US Business Travel Location (Again)

by Jim Prouty

San Francisco Scores for Most Expensive US Business Travel Location (Again)

A daily allowance of $550 might take you far for a night out on your hometown, but it won’t go all that far at all on business trip in San Francisco. The City by the Bay ranks as the most expensive U.S. business travel location, again, with an average day’s expenditures totaled at $547.34.

Do Taxpayers Support a Big Chunk of the Airline Industry?

by Karen DeLucia

Do Taxpayers Support a Big Chunk of the Airline Industry?

You know the price of an airline ticket includes taxes, but did you also know even Americans who never fly are supporting US carriers through their tax dollars at work? Licensed aircraft dispatcher and USA Today contributor Bill McGee pointed this out in a recent column, making some intriguing points along the way.

What Makes Travelers Rate their Business Trips as Successful?

by Mandy Neske

What Makes Travelers Rate their Business Trips as Successful?

Unless you’ve heard an earful of complaints or undying praise from your business travelers, it may be tough to gauge how they really feel about their business trips. Carlson Wagonlit Travel answers that question with a massive survey of 10,000 business folks who travel on a regular basis.

Tips on How to be a Sophisticated Female Traveler

by Connie Moser

Tips on How to be a Sophisticated Female Traveler

Traveling across the globe can be a thrill – even when it’s done for business. But it can also be challenging, particularly for the 40 percent of women who make up the global corporate traveler sector. USA Today outlines a handful of tips designed to help the sophisticated woman traveler conquer those challenges.

5% of Employees Account for Most Corporate T&E Fraud

by Anne Becknell

5% of Employees Account for Most Corporate T&E Fraud

Many companies have employees who regularly travel for business. Top execs may need to be on-site to manage multiple offices, specialists may need to attend conferences and give workshops, and sales, customer service, and technical support reps may need to visit customers to generate sales and foster business-client relationships.

Don’t Get Shortchanged on Business Mileage

by Connie Moser

Don’t Get Shortchanged on Business Mileage

If you have to travel for your job, you’re probably very aware of how important it is to keep track of your business mileage. You might think that you’re keeping a close eye on the miles, but you might actually be losing money on your travels. To make sure you don't get shortchanged on business mileage, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself. The simplest method of tracking mileage is, of course, good old-fashioned pen and paper. Write down your car’s mileage when you start your trip and when you end it. Or leave yourself voicemails, or send yourself text messages. Of course, things get complicated if you have more than one destination or need to exclude portions of the trip that were not business related. In today’s technologically advanced world, it seems there’s an automated answer for everything. Now, many business travelers use Google Maps to determine the mileage they have traveled. In fact, Chrome River EXPENSE includes Google Maps functionality for calculating mileage for expense-reimbursement purposes. Simply enter the starting and ending addresses for your trip, and Chrome River will automatically calculate how much you should be reimbursed, based on your organization’s rules. You can also calculate mileage between multiple destinations and exclude personal mileage, if necessary. The key to making sure you don’t get shortchanged on business mileage is to keep accurate records. Whether you use a notepad, send a text message to yourself, leave a voicemail on your office phone, or let Chrome River’s Google Maps widget do the work, the important thing is that you make sure you have an accurate record. Doing this prevents problems during an in-house audit and provides useful information when travel budgets are being created for future use.

Why Your Organization Can’t Risk Expense Report Inaccuracies

by Serge Merkin

Why Your Organization Can’t Risk Expense Report Inaccuracies

Few would argue with the truism “Numbers don’t lie,” but inaccurate numbers can and do lie all the time. A good example is the vast number of inaccurate numbers that can enter an organization’s financial system via expense reports. Organizations that allow employees to write or type expenses into a form that is manually reviewed and re-entered into the accounting system by a staff member have introduced several opportunities to enter inaccurate information for each transaction.

International Expense Reporting: What You Need to Know Before You Go

by Connie Moser

International Expense Reporting: What You Need to Know Before You Go

International business travel is accompanied by a slew of challenges for both travelers and financial managers. Language barriers, jet leg and jam-packed itineraries only scratch the surface for this breed of travel. Luckily, there are corporate travel tips all over the Internet to help guide international jetsetters. Here are a few things you'll want to know before you go.

How Travel Expense Tracking Helps Keep Your Budget on Course

by Connie Moser

How Travel Expense Tracking Helps Keep Your Budget on Course

It is difficult to determine a business budget without first looking at the spending trends that help to create it. Being aware of business travel expenses is imperative to trip planning, and careful tracking is an infallible method of keeping those travel budgets on the right course. A little tracking can go a long way! After all, travel and expenses makes up about 10% of your operating budget.


Our choice of Chrome River EXPENSE was made in part due to the very user-friendly interface, easy configurability, and the clear commitment to impactful customer service – all aspects in which Chrome River was the clear winner. While Chrome River is not as large as some of the other vendors we considered, we found that to be a benefit and our due diligence showed that it could support us as well as any large players in the space, along with a personalized level of customer care. Sally Abella, Director of Corporate Travel Harman International
We are excited to be able to enforce much more stringent compliance to our expense guidelines and significantly enhance our expense reporting and analytics. By automating these processes, we will be able to free up AP time formerly spent on manual administrative tasks, and enhance the role by being much more strategic. Ben Zastrow Zelle

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